From a perspectomics approach, heuristics are systems which emerge from collections of concepts, and units which collect with other heuristics into schemas.
Heuristics represent the third dimension in the perspectomic spheres.
The dimension of heuristics is a level of specificity that can be conscious or unconscious, adaptive or maladaptive, applied/active or experiential/passive, formal or informal
–conditioned by motivations and situations
–“chosen” or “triggered”
–conscious/applied or unconscious/involuntary/automatic
–adaptive or maladaptive
–short or long in duration
–formal/precise (e.g. scripts, algorithms) or informal/imprecise (e.g.. rules of thumb)
simple strategy (technique, practice, shortcut, script, filter)
mental process
analogous to, related to:
RELATIONS OF COGNITION (Guilford) Relations – Units linked as opposites or in associations, sequences, or analogies
PROTOSCHEMAS (Beck & Haight 2014)
HEURISTICS (CBT-Beck et al, Kahneman, G)
RELATIONS (RFT/ACT, Hayes et al)
MEMETICS (Dennett, McLuhan, et al)
(metaphor “cell”)
heuristic emerges as the “psychological average” of a group of concepts